Flabby arms are the bane of many, especially if you want to wear short-sleeved dresses and tops. Women’s Health Next Fitness Star finalist and certified personal and group fitness instructor Renché Seyffert has a home exercise programme that’ll get your arms in shape for summer. Perform 12-15 reps of each move with as little rest
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Core exercises for beginners is guided by Physical Therapist Michelle from https://www.pelvicexercises.com.au. Learn the correct core exercise technique and mistakes to avoid with your core exercises at home. This gentle exercise routine is ideal for lower back rehabilitation after lower back pain, pelvic pain, pregnancy or simply improving your trunk posture and control. Music Aiden
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All right, ’fess up — how often do you wash your workout gear: After every single sweat session? Every couple of trips to the gym? Whenever you start noticing a stench lingering on your favourite high-waisted leggings? Nobody’s here to preach about how you should be sudsing up after anytime you sweat. Truth is, there’s no
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