FLAT BELLY Workout for Women (10 mins)

Fitness Workout for Women
Absssss are back and we are back with this quick, intense, flat belly workout! My absolute favourite body part to work! Today I am taking you through a flat belly workout for women, that takes just 10 mins.

I’m always getting asked for exercises that I personally do for my abs and a flat belly, so I wanted to show you exercises that I do now as well as some of the exercises that I did at the beginning of my ab journey.

You do not need any equipment for this routine – just follow each exercise as best as you can.

And remember guys, to see results, you must combine exercise (including cardio!) with a healthy diet.


Make sure to connect with me on social media for more lifestyle tips and motivation!

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♡ TIKTOK: https://vm.tiktok.com/uWJLyQ/

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