5 Things You Need To Know Before Riding The Coronation Double Century


I’ve never considered myself a roadie, in fact I’ve never really been on a road bike in my life before. But all of this is about to change. Why? Because this Saturday I’m riding 202km through Swellendam, Montagu, Barrydale and Bonnievale — a route that belongs to none other than the Coronation Double Century. There will be plenty of time to get used to road racing on the day but here are my top tips to ensure I make it to the finish line (hopefully in one semi-stoked piece)…

Coronation Double Century Tip No 1: Don’t Skimp On The Pants

Probably one of the most important lessons that I learnt the hard way: good pants make the ride. It is vital to make sure you invest in a good quality, comfortable pair of cycling bibs. These could be the difference between completing the 202km or pulling out halfway. A happy ass makes for a happy cycle, so spoil yours with a decent pair. 

READ MORE: “5 Things I’ve Learnt Since I Started Cycling — Like How To Go Pantyless”

Coronation Double Century No 2: Love Thy Bum

While we’re talking bums, another lifesaver is chamois cream. Make sure to apply this generously to all those sensitive areas. Trust me, you will know if you’ve forgotten this step. We’re talking saddle sores and chafing. Ouch! 

Coronation Double Century Tip No 3: Hydration Station

Make sure you drink enough (water that is) in the week before race day. You don’t want to be starting the 202km dehydrated. During the race is just as important. You’re going to be sweating heaps en route and you’ll need to replace these fluids. Because sweat isn’t just water, you’ll also need to top up those electrolyte and salt levels along the way. I take two bottles with me, one with water and the other with a little Tailwind endurance fuel. There are water points along the way, but don’t rely on these – rely on yourself and your bottles. There is no worse feeling than running out of water.

READ MORE: Print This: The Race Day Checklist That Covers EVERYTHING

Coronation Double Century Tip No 4: Fuel Up

Along with hydration comes nutrition. You HAVE to make sure you’re eating enough. If you wait until you feel hungry, it’s usually too late. And when it’s too late you bonk. Keep munching and make sure it’s nutrition that you’re use to. Stick with what you know and keep it simple. There are so many fancy products out there but there’s nothing wrong with a good old potato with salt.

Coronation Double Century Tip No 5: Sunscreen

I’m terrible when it comes to sunscreen and, for that reason, I almost always have a cycling shorts tan, most times accompanied by glove, sleeve and sock lines. You will probably acquire your own collection of tan lines this weekend, but sunscreen will save you from some nasty burn. Your body will already be tired and sore after the race, so added redness is definitely not a vibe.

See you on the Coronation Double Century start line!

READ MORE ON: coronation double century Cycling Cycling Tips Fitness Fitness Advice

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