Sweat Equity: 2020 Fitness Trends


Get the Basics…
  • 📌A look at what’s to come
  • How to retain “resolutioner” clients
  • 2020 fitness trends 🏋️‍♀️

Happy New Year! What a ride it has been – and we are only a few weeks into 2020.

If you’re anything like us, you’re busy (in a good way). January always seems to provide business owners with challenges that, no doubt, thicken the skin. With those challenges, it’s always beneficial to take a moment and breathe.

So, sit back, take a swig of that protein shake, and escape for a moment with us as we dive into the first Exercise.com e-newsletter of the year — Sweat Equity: Insider Fitness Business Insights. This won’t be your average blog roll newsletter. We’re razor-focused on the business of fitness. We are also working hard to create value for you by examining trends, what’s new in the industry, and how you can be successful with fitness software.

New this week: What’s new with Exercise.com? … Tips, tricks, and tidbits on how to retain clients fueled by New Year’s resolutions … A look at what to expect in the world of fitness in 2020.

Still with us? Great. Let’s get started.  

If you’re ready to grow and manage your business better, book a demo with our team today.

Table of Contents

What’s New?

New year. Better us.

Exercise.com Is Growing

And we wanted to take a moment to say – thank you.

Thank you for following along. Thank you for supporting our mission to provide fitness businesses with the tools they need to thrive.

2020 has a lot in store. For one, you can expect regular emails, like this one, full of information pooled from various sectors of the web (including original Exercise.com content). Additionally, be on the lookout for added feature announcements!

As we continue to grow, our goal is to continuously tweak and update our fitness business software so that you can always rest assured that you are, and will continue to be, partnered with the best fitness business management platform on the internet.

Retaining “Resolutioners”

Transform new clients into regulars

“Quitter’s Day”

After analyzing “800 million user-logged activities,” Strava reports that most resolutioners toss their self-made promises to the wayside on January 19th – a day that the social fitness network dubs, “Quitter’s Day.” In total, only 19% of people keep their New Year’s resolutions.

Now what? This report doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in fitness business owners; fortunately, there are ways to retain clients for the long haul.

Embrace Tech

Between the years of 2014-2017, the usage of health and fitness apps grew by over 330%. Over 25% of those users log into these apps over ten times weekly; and as of 2018, 42% of U.S. adults report that they measure fitness and health goals using mobile applications.

Now what? Meet clients where they’re at – on their phones. Lack of time is often cited as one of the reasons why people kick their resolutions to the curb. Take out the middleman and give clients the opportunity to exercise from the comfort of their own homes.

What else? Well, this is where we come in. Not only does our All-In-One Fitness Business Management Software come with a custom website, e-commerce options, class scheduling, payment processing, and performance health assessments, it also comes with custom mobile apps that are tailored to your niche. Fill out the form below to learn more.

Grow and manage your fitness business better with Exercise.com

Plus-Sized Motivation

The top three New Year’s resolutions in America are to eat healthier (48%), to exercise more (47%), and to lose weight (41%). When meeting with new clients, trainers and coaches should look beyond the resolution and focus on the individual. After all, motivational tactics for seasoned bodybuilders will differ from the tactics recommended for plus-sized clients.

Now what? Despite the drive to lose weight, motivate plus-sized clients by taking the focus off of weight. Here’s how.

2020 Health & Fitness Trends

Work smarter, not harder, with these rising trends

Wearable Tech: The Back-to-Back Champ

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) released its annual trends report highlighting the top fitness trends for 2020. A shock to none, wearable tech reigns supreme for the second year in a row. Other notable trends include an uptick in free weight training, group training, adolescent exercise, and a desire for customized workouts through personal training.

Now What? Fitness business owners should tweak their programming and scheduling to fit these trends. By offering more group fitness classes, prioritizing the use of free weights (a rising trend for female gym-goers), and marketing the benefits of custom-made workouts and one-on-one training, fitness professionals may see an uptick in profits.

What else? Another rising trend ACSM’s report highlights? Outcome measurements. By measuring the outcomes of various programs and training sessions, health club members and owners are better able to document success and tweak programming as needed. Performance health assessments are beneficial for client and trainer alike and provide measurable, trackable data.

And, that’s a wrap! We hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s issue of Sweat Equity: Insider Fitness Business Insights. We’ll see you again soon.

If you’re ready to grow and manage your business better, book a demo with our team today.

This week’s Fitness Business trends was brought to you by Brittany, Mathew, and Jeff.

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