Mike O’Hearn Talks Pre-Workout Nutrition & Supplementation

Workout Meals
You wanted some videos about nutrition & supplementation well get ready. So what do I do pre workout for nutrition and supplements? In this video i go over all my pre workout needs so sit back and get ready for some amazing info. I tell you what I eat and every supplement I take pre workout. I know each person is different so you might need to tweak this a little bit to fit your needs.

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Like the bodybuilding greats before him, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno, Mike holds 4 Mr. Universe titles and was voted one of the 12 greatest physiques of all time by the fitness industry. Mike has been Team Captain for Bodybuilding.com, and has just been signed to be the Team Captain of MAGNUM Nutraceuticals.

Background in natural bodybuilding, strongman, power lifting, and mixed martial arts.
4 Mr. (Natural) Universe, Mr. California, Mr. USA, Mr. American and Mr. International. He is also a 4-time Power Lifting Champion, and 2-time Iron Warrior: Decathlon of Strength Strongman Champion, 2 Time California Judo Champion.

He is also the creator of -Power-Bodybuilding- a style of training and the principles he uses to achieve the longevity and success in his physique, and in the health and fitness industry.

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