The Best Kegel Exercise Program for Women

Fitness Workout for Women
Say Goodbye to urinary leakage and rushing to the bathroom! Hfitness is a comprehensive program designed by doctors and therapists to bring this modern therapy to you in the comfort of your home! Your complete program features customized pelvic floor workouts, nutrition counseling, education modules, and more!

hfitness is a truly unique program that brings the power of professionally designed health fitness right to your home! Hfitness is based on the model that is used in the best hospitals which incorporates a variety of experts to comprehensively treat pelvic floor disorders. Including urologists, gynecologists, and physical therapists this team provides fitness plans tailored to each person’s unique problem and include not only pelvic floor exercises, but also nutrition counseling, education, and other resources to help people achieve their goals. Hfitness is an 8-week program designed by pelvic floor specialists to bring these many resources to you! Here is an overview of your unique hfitness program.

First, hfitness is customized based on your specific problem. Whether you leak urine, rush to the bathroom, are experiencing problems often arising after pregnancy, or just want to improve your pelvic floor health to prevent these problems – there is a specific program for you.

Second, hfitness truly empowers you with hfitness: education. Specialists know that patients who have an understanding of pelvic floor anatomy and function do better with training. So, before you begin with PF exercises, video modules will show how the pelvic floor works and how it breaks down. How these problems can cause leakage of urine in some women and pelvic pain in others. And we’ll talk about how PF exercises treat each of these problems. It’s all part of your hfitness: education module!

Next, you transition to your workout phase. Begin with an introduction to the Kegel Squeeze. Then move to your first month of exercises that will isolate and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. This training will provide core pelvic floor health as you move to month two, when you will learn specialized exercises designed to target your pelvic floor problem. In addition, specialized exercises also target proper posture, breathing, and stretching to support comprehensive pelvic floor health. Finally, hfitness functional training puts you in situations where you are most likely to have problems and trains your pelvic floor to respond.

To maintain you health, hfitness even provides additional modules to maintain your pelvic floor.

Finally, hfitness gives you all the other resources you need to succeed. Start with your program calendar that will walk you through each step of your program, showing you which module to complete each day. Online bladder diaries will help track your progress. Your nutrition plan will help eliminate irritation caused by specific foods and drinks. Hfitness even provides an online blog and question forum to help answer your questions.

In less than 25 minutes per workout, hfitness is a truly innovative program that provides the resources you need to achieve your goals. Designed by health care professionals, hfitness brings health care fitness to your home.

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